And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
- Hebrews 11:6 (ESV)
Why is this so? I found this list to be helpful in making Hebrews 11:6 clearer.From The Purple Cellar Blog by Lydia Brownback :
1. Faith believes the Word of God; unbelief questions it.
2. Faith sees God's promise to help; unbelief says, "How can that possibly be?"
3. Faith makes you see love in Christ's reproofs; unbelief imagines only wrath.
4. Faith helps the soul to wait; unbelief gives up if made to wait.
5. Faith gives comfort in the midst of fears; unbelief causes fears in the midst of comforts.
6. Faith finds sweetness in God's discipline; unbelief finds no comfort in mercy.
7. Faith makes great burdens light; unbelief makes light burdens heavy.
8. Faith helps us when we are down; unbelief throws us down when we are up.
9. Faith brings us near to God when we are far from him; unbelief puts us far from God when we are near to him.
10. Faith sees friendship with God; unbelief sees a hard taskmaster.
11. Faith puts man under grace; unbelief holds him under wrath.
12. Faith purifies the heart; unbelief keeps the heart polluted
13. Faith rests in Christ's righteousness; unbelief clings to the law.
14. Faith makes all our work acceptable to God; without faith it is impossible to please him.
15. Faith gives peace and comfort; unbelief gives trouble and tossing
16. Faith shows Christ precious; unbelief sees no beauty in him.
17. Faith gives life in Christ's fullness; unbelief causes spiritual starvation
18. Faith gives freedom from the law of sin and death; unbelief shackles us to them.
19. Faith shows us excellence in things unseen; unbelief sees only this world.
20. Faith makes all God's ways pleasant; unbelief makes them heavy and hard.
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