Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 1 Conference Thoughts

Quick takeaways from the 2010 Desiring God Conference :

1. The theme was Think : the Life of the Mind and the Love of God. John Piper describes it this way,

"We often pit thinking and feeling against each other, especially when it comes to Christian experience. Glorifying God with our minds and hearths, however, it no either-or, but both-and. Focusing on the life of the mind will help you to know God better, love him more, and care for the world."
The mind is so crucial that it is a spiritual battleground. Satan puts our minds in darkness, but through Jesus Christ our minds (not our eyes) are able to see the glory of God. So the mind then must be brought into to obedience to Christ, must be conformed to Christ, so that the heart will follow Christ and find its delight and joy in God. So be thinking and pondering God and his Word all the time. Gain knowledge, not to be puffed up, but rather use it as a means know and love Christ truly.

2.  God reveals his glory and his personality through his creation. However, that is not enough to know God. God further reveals himself through words. In the gospel of John, Jesus is called the Word. Jesus, in his humanity, is God revealed before our eyes. According to author ND Wilson, this is so amazing that it's like a true fantasy novel. The big, poweful, Creator, stooping so low by becoming human in order to reveal himself and his glory to insignificant creatures. ND Wilson says for us to ponder on the sweeping story of the gospel. Know the heroes, the villains, the troubles and misery, and the glorious ending of God's redemption story.

3. Tullian Tchividjian says that the gospel is not just for people to come into faith in Jesus Christ. The gospel is also for Christians.  We err when our motivation to obey Jesus Christ is so that we can earn grace. Following Christ in obedience is an outcome of the radical grace that we experience through the gospel message.  

4. Rick Warren's message is summarized by the acrostic THINK.

Test every throught.
Helmet your head (with the helmet of salvation).
Imagine great thoughts (thoughts about triune God and his glory, dream what God dreams, vision)
Nourish a godly mind
Keep on learning

1 comment:

  1. A thinker is not a dreamer.If any man discovers the power of thought; he will wage fight with the supernatural,and pilot the affairs of life willingly.

    I have this finally to say:

    Your ability or inability to cross the waters of life has been;and ever will be determined by the seeds of your thoughts.Toward any direction you pitch your mental tents and gather the meditations of your heart shall come the force that takes you along the path of life willingly.
    Think godly thoughts;for out of it are the issues of supernatural life.

    This is a day of reflection.Browse our link for more:
