Things I've learned and realized during the 40 days of love campaign...gotta write it so I'll remember.
1. I've got a long ways to go before I can really call myself a loving person. The command to love my neighbor is just so darn hard to follow. Human love has limitations. That is why we need God to empower us to love others.
2. Love is patient, love is kind. Patience is an attitude of love. Kindness is love in action.
3. Busyness prevents us from taking time out to show our love to those closest to us. Watch out for this!
4. Love does not yell...enough said.
5. Forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive..seventy times seven as Jesus said. Forgive instantly and don't linger in the hurt for it leads to bitterness.
6. Forgiveness does not necessarily mean restoration of a relationship. You can forgive the person who has hurt you but it takes time to trust that person again. Trust must be earned.
7. Hurt people hurt people. Conversely, loved people love people.
8. Speaking the truth in love takes practice.
More next time...and more posts